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The following wording may be used for the verbiage.  Please send this to your hospital PR and local newspapers:

    Governor Henry has proclaimed the week of April 18 - 24, 2004, as 'National Medical Laboratory Week'.  Clinical laboratory professionals are key members of today's health care team, and your quality medical care depends on them.  Every day, nursrses, physicians, and other medical workers rely on laboratory professionals to perform tests on body fluids, interpret the results, and help provide a complete picture of a patient's health.  Without this precise and valuable information, medicine would simply become guesswork.
    Laboratory professionals work in a variety of settings, from hospitals and doctor's offices to research laboratories and community health fairs.  Whatever the setting, these professionals are by your side, working to diagnose, treat, and prevent disease.  Please join these dedicated professionals in celebrating National Medical Laboratory Week and their vital role in protecting and promoting your health.
Evelyn Paxton
CLT and Phlebotomy Program Director
Rose State College
6420 Southeast 15th Street
Midwest City, OK 73110
phone:  405-733-7577
fax:  405-736-0338

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Copyright � 2000 ASCLS Region VII
Last modified: December 07, 2004