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These are your state representatives to Legislative Day in Washington DC.  Each of these individuals visited their Congressional Representatives and Senators to discuss laboratory related issues in March, 2003.  From left to right front row:  Norma Bivona (LA); June Conrad (OK); Melissa Bowen (TX); Back row, left to right:  Cheryl Caskey (LA); Duncan Samo (TX); Shirlyn McKenzie (TX); Becky See (TX); John Wentz (TX)

 The primary issues were:
1. Get cosponsors for HR 623, The Medical Laboratory Personnel Shortage Act of 2003. This bipartisan bill would authorize education grants and loan repayment assistance to students in CLS programs.

2. Cosponsor HR 883, the Medicare Laboratory Services Access Act of 2003. This bipartisan legislation would update Medicare reimbursement for collecting blood and other specimens for laboratory testing, which has been fixed at $3.00 for 19 years.

3. Take no action limiting the laboratory CPI Update. Clinical laboratories received their first consumer price index update - 1.1%- in six years in 2003. By law, this scheduled increase will take effect unless Congress passes legislation suspending or limiting the increase.

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Copyright � 2000 ASCLS Region VII
Last modified: June 30, 2000
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Copyright � 2000 ASCLS Region VII
Last modified: December 07, 2004